I’m Pretty Sure I Hate JavaScript

Brian Pompey
1 min readJul 3, 2020
  • Today, I’ll be using this blog post as a venting opportunity. I don’t think it; I HATE JavaScript. Coming from the simple elegant syntax of Ruby (which I thought was hard at the time but sheesh, I had no idea), the syntax, the documentation, the examples everything is so damn vague and it feels like you gotta read about 3 tutorials to understand the most basic concepts
  • This is definitely not a language I can BS AT ALL. I’d say this is the point that I wish I wasn’t in a self paced bootcamp. Every struggle feels like you’re alone in the desert with your problems and nobody else in the world can come and save you.
  • I think this is the point where I have to really take a deep dive into each aspect and concept; really dig in and understand it til I can teach it. JavaScript is a language that should be a real key to my future employment, so….. *sigh* here goes nothing… expect a lot of in depth deep dives into JS content in the near future!!

